If you are a patient, family member, or caregiver seeking housing, please check with your hospital-assigned social worker for the referral and reservation process.

Friday Harbour @ the Shane Smith and the Saints Concert

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Friday Harbour @ the Shane Smith and the Saints Concert

Raising the roof and raising awareness of the burdens of cancer is a never-ending journey, but it helps to have a rockin’ good time with people who are compassionate and have a dash of rhythm.

Recently, the smokey, rockabilly and harmonizing sounds of Austin-based Shane Smith & The Saints raised the roof in front of a sold-out crowd at Goode Company Armadillo Palace near Rice Village in Houston.  The newly upgraded back porch provided a unique environment for the soulful, bone chilling harmonies of The Saints and a great place for the FridayHarbour.org team to spread the message among the captivated Texas music crowd.

“As the President of FridayHarbour.org I can’t help but thrive on the healing power of music,” said Brian Hall.  “I’m overjoyed with the growth of our friendship with Shane Smith & The Saints as I’ve watched them perform from Dublin, Ireland to Denver, Colorado. There’s always been a special connection.”

The mission of Friday Harbour is to ease the burden of the cancer journey by providing free temporary lodging to patients and their families with the goal of providing 1200 free nights in 2018. The Friday Harbour team made hundreds of potential volunteers and donor connections, including an invitation to share our message in The Heights during a family hosted Harbour’s Around Houston event.

“Meeting Brian and his team at the concert was the highlight of my night. As a healthcare professional, I loved hearing about the Houston-based organization and the impact it was having in the cancer community,” said Hallie Ager. “I am inspired by their story and knew I wanted to be involved in some way.”

How can you get involved? Join our journey in healing cancer “One Night At A Time.” Follow Shane Smith & The Saints at their next concert, buy their music and support them on their journey of healing through music. Follow FridayHarbour.org on social media, volunteer online, or simply make a donation of $100 which will provide two nights of lodging for a patient/family on their journey to heal from cancer.  Let’s make beautiful music together!

Why Your Donation Matters

“At MD Anderson Cancer Hospital my doctor had ordered an MRI of my brain. He came in with the results and had told me the chemotherapy I was on was no longer shrinking the mass and recommended 15 treatments of radiation. Which means my husband and I would have to be at MD Anderson every day. My first thought was how were we going to be able to make a 6-hour drive from San Antonio every day for 15 treatments? We both have jobs and driving really wears you out. The doctor had mentioned there was an organization that he would contact to see if they were able to help with places to stay. When I was discharged from the hospital I received a phone call from my doctor stating that Friday Harbour granted me multiple nights of hotel stay so that I could complete my radiation. It was such a weight lifted off my chest knowing that now I didn’t have to worry about finding a place to stay or driving almost 6 hours a day for treatments. In such a difficult time there are wonderful people out there to brighten others days!”

~ Meghan Miller