Friday Harbour Board Announcement: Introducing our New Board Treasurer

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With this announcement from the Board, please help us welcome this outstanding leader to Friday Harbour as Board Treasurer on the Executive Committee!

Friday Harbour Board Announcement: Introducing our New Board Treasurer

Friday Harbour is pleased to share the announcement of Brian Hungerford, CPA CMGA, as our new Board Treasurer on the Executive Committee. This is a significant step forward to our achieving our mission, Healing Cancer One Night At A Time.

Presently, Brian is the Founder and CEO of Houston-based H4D Consulting, established in 2021. He has industry experience across the Oil & Gas, Medical, and Real Estate spectrum. Brian brings over two decades of corporate finance, accounting, consulting, and leadership experience to Friday Harbour.

Stepping into this role, he succeeds the remarkable Mrs. Debbie Neville, who has been an integral part of our journey. Debbie remains to continue her focus on corporate matching donations while simultaneously aiding Brian in his transition. We look forward to his boundless dedication and fresh perspective in helping us achieve our aggressive goals. In fact, first is helping to raise $70,000 this October at our golf classic, Tee it Up To Heal Cancer.

Brian has a no-nonsense, resourceful spirit with a foundation rooted in compassion. Consequently, a commitment to help disrupt this space aimed at relieving the burden of the cancer journey. His support for our cause is not only reflected in his professional accomplishments but also his personal passions. For example, traveling with family, enjoying a great meal, and exploring wine help fuel his commitment to others. We welcome Brian as our newest do’er, donor, and door opener to assist in growing our Houston-based, Nation-driven nonprofit.

His presence adds an invaluable dimension to our team as we forge ahead on our ambitious missions. One of which is to expand our presence to five cities by the end of 2024. His leadership will help us as we provide solace, support, and sanctuary to those seeking care at cancer centers within the Texas Medical Center and beyond.

With this announcement from the Board and myself, please help us welcome this outstanding leader to Friday Harbour as Board Treasurer on the Executive Committee!

Brian Hall

President, Founder & Networking Sorcerer

Why Your Donation Matters

“At MD Anderson Cancer Hospital my doctor had ordered an MRI of my brain. He came in with the results and had told me the chemotherapy I was on was no longer shrinking the mass and recommended 15 treatments of radiation. Which means my husband and I would have to be at MD Anderson every day. My first thought was how were we going to be able to make a 6-hour drive from San Antonio every day for 15 treatments? We both have jobs and driving really wears you out. The doctor had mentioned there was an organization that he would contact to see if they were able to help with places to stay. When I was discharged from the hospital I received a phone call from my doctor stating that Friday Harbour granted me multiple nights of hotel stay so that I could complete my radiation. It was such a weight lifted off my chest knowing that now I didn’t have to worry about finding a place to stay or driving almost 6 hours a day for treatments. In such a difficult time there are wonderful people out there to brighten others days!”

~ Meghan Miller